We’re delighted to be sponsoring The Retail Bulletin’s inaugural AI in Retail Conference that will be held on 16th October at the Cavendish Centre, London.
With an exciting Programme, and a fantastic line-up of Speakers including marketing, digital, IT, data and technology specialists from The Entertainer, River Island, M&S and John Lewis, the one day event will be a great opportunity to hear the secrets of these brands' AI success.
We'll look forward to discovering how they have implemented AI and machine learning programmes to improve everything from the shopping experience and customer engagement, to online conversion, fulfilment and much more.
As a business, One iota's R&D team is already trialling new ways in which machine learning can help our clients increase conversion rates amongst their customers. During our annual Hackathon earlier this year, machine learning once again featured in most projects, so the AI in Retail Conference will be the perfect time to share some of these ideas, and discuss with those attending what plans they have to incorporate AI/ML into their future strategies.
We can’t wait to be involved in the evolving discussions at the AI in Retail Conference!
If you’d like to find out more about how our digital transformation, staff mobile and kiosk apps can transform your online shop, please get in touch for a no obligation chat via info@itsoneiota.com.